ANOPA Project begins training with 14 deaf swimmers in preparation towards the 6th World Deaf Swimming Championship 2023 in Argentina.
ANOPA Project within the last four years have trained many deaf persons in swimming and has formed swimming teams for the deaf within the Central Region of Ghana.
Our partnership with the RYTHM FOUNDATION on "Education through sports for Deaf and Blind Children in Ghana" saw the project engaging many more deaf children in swimming, creating an environment of safety, inclusion, self-awareness, confidence and a complete sense of belonging.
An MOU between the Ghana Deaf Sports Federation (GDSF) and the ANOPA Project has made it possible for these deaf swimmers to represent Ghana for the first time in the upcoming World Deaf Swimming Championship 2023 in Argentina in August, and the 2025 Deaflympics in Japan.
We are grateful to the RYTHM FOUNDATION for their support throughout the past years in elevating differently-abled children through sponsored projects in education and sports and also for particularly sponsoring all swimming gears//kits for this upcoming World Event.
We are also grateful to the CHARITY DANCE WORKSHOP FUNDRAISER held in Germany towards supporting the plight of deaf, blind and IDDs and particularly towards our swimming training schedules at the Hans Cottage Botel, Jukwa road. We are also grateful to Hans Cottage for given us the opportunity to use their swimming pool at a much subsidized rate.
At ANOPA we do not just engage, we engage to elevate differently-abled children through sports and education.