Life Skill Training
Learning for a lifetime.
Our education sessions are mainly facilitated by our German Volunteers with a standard curriculum. Participation schools are selected based on interest and demand and schools are mainly in the Junior High School category. The courses are mainly HIV/AIDS prevention, Goal Setting, and Self Defense particularly for girls. The other education program is targeted at the kindergarten and Primary levels where pupils are made to acknowledge their environment and keep it safe and clean. At this level, German Songs and Poetry are normally taught intermittently to help the kids appreciate the need for intercultural fluency.
ANOPA uses sport to promote the idea of HIV and AIDS Prevention and create awareness about the menace. Within the period of January and June, 2012, the Project has visited three junior high schools within three different communities in Cape Coast. The Communities include Pedu, Adisadel Village and Seudu. In all more than 120 school children were sensitized on the above topic.
Goal setting is also inclusive in the ANOPA Life skills curriculum and children are made to identify life goals that are attainable and how to reach them. All this is incorporated through the use of sports as a tool for development as a well. The same junior high schools as the above have taken part in this topic as well.